NUSA Group

About US

Nusa Group

About Us

PMP is part of the NUSA Group. Starting from a chicken farm in 2013 called NusaFarm.

Then in 2015 to support of the trading process PMP was formed. Furthermore, Raja Dinar Nusantara, a chicken slaughterhouse was establised in 2017 to cover demand from the market in JABODETABEK as well as other islands in Indonesia such as Kalimantan, Sumatera, etc.

PT. Armada Gilang Expedisi was established in 2019 as a logistic company to accomodate our group. In 2022 we’ve started building our 2nd factory as well as established NUSA GROUP as our holding company.

Tentang Kami

Kami memulai usaha dengan peternak ayam broiler sejak 2013 secara mandiri. Dengan total populasi kurang lebih 250 ribu ekor per bulan. Kami mendirikan Koperasi Karya Mandiri Sarana Sejahtera yang bertujuan untuk membantu pasokan kebutuhan peternak ayam mandiri di daerah Bogor dan Cianjur. 

Di tahun 2015, berdirilah PT Pintu Masuk Pangan untuk menunjang proses bisnis jual beli dan distribusi daging ayam. 

Kami juga bergabung dengan RPA Raja Dinar Nusantara di tahun 2017 sampai dengan awal tahun 2023 untuk menunjang usaha PT Pintu Masuk Pangan, 

Di tahun 2019, didirikan PT Armada Gilang Expedisi dengan fokus bisnis adalah LOGISTIK untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan peternakan dan distribusi PT Pintu Masuk Pangan. 

Tahun 2022, kami sepakat untuk membentuk GROUP Houlding dengan nama NUSA Group sejalan dengan di kukuhkannya merek dagang NUSA

Our Team

The Queen

Laksmitawahini Suryo

Master of International Finance Griffith University Australia. 15 years experience in the Indonesian banking world and 2016 moved quadrant to become Entrepreneur.

The King

Roy Saputra

Founder & CEO of  PT. NUSAFARM GEMILANG, PT. RAJA DINAR NUSANTARA, PT. ARMADA GILANG EXPEDISI, PT. PINTU MASUK PANGAN. Experienced in sales for 10 years and factory operations since 2013. Qualified insight into the operations of the FOOD SATGAS in Indonesia.

The Integrator

S. Pradono Suryodiningrat

Master of Computer Science who is in the process of a doctoral degree at BiNus International. Active as a permanent lecturer at BiNus and has built an integrated system at RPA.

The Healer

(Farm Director)

Alumni of the Bogor Agriculture Institute with long experience (23 years) in the Technical Department of several companies.

The Angel

Winarti Indah Lestari

Previously worked at Indofood and Celebrity Fitness as Sales and Marketing. In the end, he chose to try herself by establishing Raja Dinar Nusantara.





The Products

Poultry is a product that we focus on in this business. PT. Pintu Masuk Pangan can supply chicken with special specification to our customers.

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